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Hur smakar bresaola

  • Prosciutto

  • Bresaola pizza

    Put the meat and the excess spices into a plastic or other non-reactive container and put in the refrigerator. Cure this for 12 days, turning the meat over once a day. Pour off any liquid that accumulates, and redistribute the spices as needed. If the meat is 2 inches wide or less, cure for only 6 to 10 days.

    Bresaola förrätt

    Add the pepper, rosemary, thyme or oregano, juniper berries and nutmeg. Pour the cure ingredients into the bag, coating the meat as evenly as possible. Seal the bag and place it in the refrigerator at 3–5°C/37–41°F for 14 days, turning the beef in the bag every other day to redistribute the cure. After 2 weeks, remove the meat from the bag.

  • hur smakar bresaola

  • Carpaccio bresaola
  • Carpaccio bresaola

    Instructions. 1. Start by trimming down your piece of beef. Remove all the fat and sinew from the outer parts– don’t try to do internal surgery, just clean it up nicely all around. 2. Weigh your beef, and write down this weight — this is important, and key in figuring out when your bresaola is done. 3.


  • Place the beef with your salt mix into a food-safe non-reactive container like plastic or stainless steel. Massage the meat with the salt mix making sure to get it everywhere. Cover the container airtight and place it into the fridge for 4 days. Turning the meat once every day.

  • Bresaola recept

    Drying (1 month+, until 30% of weight is lost): Temperature: 54F/12C, Humidity: % RH. The bresaola was put directly into the curing chamber at this point. If you have read my first bresaola post, you know that I used to use a fermentation stage step. I have found this to be unnecessary for whole muscle cured products, and now move directly.

    Bresaola gravid

    After preparing the SALAMI (spicy and not), the DRY MEAT, the PANCETTA, the CAPICOLLO, the SOPPRESSATA, Today we prepare the recipe is supe.


    Basilika är en utmärkt källa till vitamin K, mangan, järn, vitamin A och vitamin C. Det är också en bra källa till kalcium, magnesium och omegafettsyror. Basilika är inte bara för internt bruk. När basilikaoljor utvinns för att skapa en eterisk olja, används den för att behandla snitt, sår och hudinfektioner.

    Bresaola pris

      Teres major-steak är näst ömmaste snitt från kon, efter filén. Faktum är att det ofta hänvisas till som petite tender, mock tender, eller shoulder tender. Trots sin ovanliga karaktär är denna biff ett billigare alternativ jämfört med en filé eller filet mignon.

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